On September 1, 2015, a strange incident took place at Gulshan E Fatima School Patel Pará Karachi, where the 16 year old Nourez boy was a 10th class student shooting his companion from Fatima and then committing Suicide with one Letter during school holidays. However, the research is in process, but She9.pk has pointed out 3 reasons.

According to the letter, both students love each other and their parents disagree with their marriage to commit suicide. But if you see the letters deeply, both letters are written by the same writing with the same spelling mistakes and it may be possible for the school boy to propose to his classmate and the apologies of Fatima for that and then boy shoot at His partner and then commit suicide. Or someone else killed the two students during the school break and dropped these letters to show that it is a suicide.

Well, it's a suicide or murder, it's very bad because it was spent in school where innocent children died in front of innocent children.

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